footjob footfetish in prague

Footjob / Footfetish

Footjob / footfetish extra service

Footjob and Footfetish is extra service for strong men. Men which from time to time want to fell themselves week. Practice which includes rubbing with feet or toes to deliver excitement. Satisfaction may also bring touching, looking at or smelling feet or toes. We offer both, active or passive way of footjob. This means girl is looking after your intimate on her own or you can use her legs as tool and control the whole process.

Price for Footjob is 500 Czk extra.

Other Extra Services :

Contact us

CandyShop Old Town
+420 773 667 250
Maiselova 76/12
110 00 Praha 1
CandyShop Vinohrady
+420 773 667 250
Šumavská 1112/16
120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady
Tento web není nabídka sexuálních služeb. Server slouží jako inzerce jednotlivých masérek. Podmínkou inzerce je pronajmutí prostoru masážního salonu.
Provozovatel: Candy Shop s.r.o
Provozovna: Maiselova 76/12
IČ: 19644299