Massage of Prostate

Previously thought to be the domain of gay men, massage of prostate has gradually made its way into mainstream sexual techniques and is now enjoyed by all. All who are not too shy to try it at least…

If you’re brave enough to let our masseuses do their magic, you’ll be rewarded with a wholly unique type of pleasure that can rival or even exceed a standard orgasm. Book this procedure and find out!

Price is 500 Czk extra

Why A Massage of Prostate above All Things?

Because it’s one of the
most pleasurable feelings that your body can give you. It targets your “male g-spot” directly

Because it has tangible health benefits. Stimulating the prostate keeps it healthy and helps to prevent many prostate-related conditions such as prostatitis.

Because you’ll be in expert hands. Our girls are tactful professionals who will ease your worries and ensure that the whole procedure is smooth. Relax and trust them.

A Prostate Massage You Should Welcome

Your prostate can be accessed via your anal orifice, and many men feel ashamed at the thought or think that it is degrading. There really is no reason to think like that. Many men, both gay and straight, receive prostate massages from their partners – it is a sign of trust on one side and good will on the other, pleasurable for both participants.

Your masseuse will provide this massage with utmost tact and discretion and lighten the atmosphere – it’s important that you are completely relaxed for this procedure to be a success.

Besides, think of the many health benefits! An enlarged prostate gland becomes quite a common condition as men get older, causing problems with urination, erectile dysfunction and increasing the risk of prostate cancer.

A proper prostate massage can keep this gland in good shape and can help prevent any such complications. During the massage, the prostate is emptied of prostate fluid and any inflammation is reduced.

How Is a Prostate Massage Done?

As mentioned, the prostate can be accessed via anus. Do not worry though, it is not painful at all. The key is to be properly relaxed.

Your masseuse typically begins with stimulating your rectum to relax the sphincter muscles. Simultaneously, she can work on your genitals in order to arouse, but also further your relaxation. Once you feel comfortable, she will proceed with the actual prostate massage.

During the whole time, she will wear a hygienic glove, and might use a lubricant if you’re still feeling tense.

The resulting feeling is hard to describe in words, but it can be compared to an orgasm in intensity – some even place it higher than orgasm in terms of sheer pleasure.

Besides the prostate, your erogenous parts can be massaged as well, so that you get maximum enjoyment out of the whole procedure.

Do something beneficial for your health and be rewarded with a wholly unique kind of pleasure. A prostate massage can offer both. Book it now!

A Reminder Before Your Erotic Prostate Massage

nahá masérka Regina

Although we’re an erotic massage parlour and your erogenous zones will get their due, remember our masseuses do not provide direct sex. Do not ask for such services, even in the heat of the moment.

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During every erotic massage, good hygiene is an absolute necessity, and this goes double for a prostate massage. Please take a shower before you visit – and another once you arrive. Your anal and genital areas especially need to be perfectly clean. It is also better to come to our parlour already relieved.


Do not come to us drunk or on drugs, be well-mannered and we’ll be always happy to welcome you again as a customer!


If you can’t or don’t want to visit our parlour, then choose our hotel massage option – your chosen masseuse can travel to your home or a hotel room within Prague city limits of the day. Just make sure your place is clean and has a shower, the masseuse will then take care of the rest.

Body to body Massage
The masseuse uses different techniques of body sliding during this massage. You are going to enjoy a new limit of desire when the soft wet body of beautiful naked masseuse is sliding across yours
Tantric mix massage
Massage which includes techniques from three different massage types, sensual relaxation, body 2 body and gentle lingam (penis) massage.
Nuru Massage
A body-to-body technique with a lubricating nuru gel that will allow you to focus on delightful feelings and relax greatly.
Lingam Massage (penis)
The masseuse focuses on the penis and surrounding intimate areas. Postponing climax to increase massage intensity. Presenting new experience with extraordinary techniques
Hotel massage in Prague
Hotel massage in Prague Are you staying at Prague, feeling lonely with nothing to do? Feeling lonely? Feeling you could use a bit of sensual distraction? How about an erotic hotel massage in Prague? The pleasure our parlour can provide is not limited to its premises – our escort service sees to that… And it’s…

Have Some Taste of Both Erotic And Exotic
Prostate Massage Combined With Bonus Services

Remember that there’s also plenty of extra services which you can enjoy together with your prostate massage. How about some:

Our masseuses can put not only their hands but also their feet to good use. Enjoy the touch of their gorgeous, nimble feet in the most intimate places.
Why not add some romantic twist to your massage procedure? Passionate French kiss might be just the thing you need to top it all off!
Japanese sex toy shaped as an egg, which can increase the pleasure you get from masturbation. If you haven’t tried it before, this might be the golden opportunity to start!

Coming on breasts or body

Exactly as the title says – you can climax on the masseuse’s body as your massage nears its end.

Have you pickedpicked any of these bonus services? Or is the basic procedure enough for you? Either way, you’ll have to fill in the details in your booking form – click below and make your booking now!

Contact us

CandyShop Old Town
+420 773 667 250
Maiselova 76/12
110 00 Praha 1
CandyShop Vinohrady
+420 773 667 250
Šumavská 1112/16
120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady
Tento web není nabídka sexuálních služeb. Server slouží jako inzerce jednotlivých masérek. Podmínkou inzerce je pronajmutí prostoru masážního salonu.
Provozovatel: Candy Shop s.r.o
Provozovna: Maiselova 76/12
IČ: 19644299

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