contacts erotic massages prague candyshop


Welcome to Candyshop

We have 2 filials at Prague 1 and Prague 2. |You can find in schedulle which salon masseuse is currently located in .

candyshop massage interior

CandyShop Old Town

Tel. :

+420 773 667 250

Email :

Address :

Maiselova 76/12


Monday - Sunday : 8:00- 23:00

candyshop massage interior

CandyShop Vinohrady

Tel. :

+420 773 667 250

Email :

Address :

Šumavská 1112/16


Monday -Sunday : 8:00- 23:00

How to make an appointment ?

Please note we recommend to make reservation in advance.

  1. There are several ways how to schedule appointment / book massage .
    • Call us
    • Via text message /Viber / WhatsApp / Telegram
  2. Reserve time you prefer
  3. Specify massage duration

If you prefer outcall massage please write us in advance.

Why to choose us:

We guarantee high health and disinfection standards. Each room is cleaned after massage session with ozone disinfection among other things.

Moreover, only in our parlour in Prague, upon request massuese is able to show recent medical examination form regarding her problem-free health condition.

If any comment comes to your mind or you just feel there is some kind of situation that needs to be clarified with management of the parlour, please kindly do not hestiate to contact us here:

Contact us

CandyShop Old Town
+420 773 667 250
Maiselova 76/12
110 00 Praha 1
CandyShop Vinohrady
+420 773 667 250
Šumavská 1112/16
120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady
Tento web není nabídka sexuálních služeb. Server slouží jako inzerce jednotlivých masérek. Podmínkou inzerce je pronajmutí prostoru masážního salonu.
Provozovatel: Candy Shop s.r.o
Provozovna: Maiselova 76/12
IČ: 19644299